1. Akita u Izis FCI - Strona ta poswiecona jest akita-inu (rasie japonskiego szpica). Zawiera m.in.: informacje o standardzie rasy, jej historii, hodowlach w Polsce (szczeniakach), psychicznych i fizycznych predyspozycjach, chorobach itd., a takze linki do akit na calym swieci
Date of registration 25-10-2005 | | report about mistake
2. Serenada Severnoy Doliny - Breeder of Samoyeds,American Akita and Russian toy-dogs located in Russia, SAINT- PETERSBURG. Kennel history, photos, pedigrees, and and information on upcoming litters.
Date of registration 23-10-2006 | | report about mistake
3. kennel Serenada Severnoy Doliny - Breeder of Samoyeds,American Akita and Russian toy-dogs located in Russia, SAINT- PETERSBURG. Kennel history, photos, pedigrees,our dogs and information about future plans.
Date of registration 19-04-2007 | | report about mistake
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